Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's been a while...

Well, it's been a while since I last updated this. It looks like almost a month and a 1/2!! I just wanted to updated everyone and let them know where we are at.

Christmas is gone and New Years is right upon us. We really don't have any plans as of yet for New Years Eve. We will probably stay home and relax.

Yesterday I was at work, talking to my co-worker Shelly and I told her that by lower back was killing me. She told me that when she was pregnant with her kids, that that was one of her first signs that she was pregnant. I had already taken two negative pregnancy tests, so I figured we would have to wait another month or so.

Well, this morning, I took another test. Just for the heck of it. The first one I took had two options, either a negative sign for not pregnant and a postive sign for pregnant. There was a VERY faint plus sign. I called Brad to tell him. We decided that we would wait until lunch time and we would try it again. I went Walgreens and bought other brand, but digital this time. We tried it out, and sure enough... We're PREGNANT!!

I called the doctor today, and I have a blood test set up for tomorrow. They will test my hCg level, and then decide how far along I am and what steps to take next.

We are both very excited. We are holding back on telling anyone (or as few people as possible) until we get results from the doctor. It's hard not to tell anyone though. VERY TOUGH! My co-worker Shelly asks me everyday, "Are you pregnant yet?" and the answer is always "Nope, Not yet!" And old co-worker, Nick asked if Brad and I were "+1 Fischer yet", again I told him no. And finally, I get onto Facebook a little while ago, and my mom asks me, "Are there any results that we need to talk about yet?" Again, I told her no. I don't want them to find out via facebook chat. I want to be able to tell the ones we love in person. In some cute way.

Well, wish us luck! We'll need it on this rollercoaster ride!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Official Beginning

Well, it's official now! I took my last active birth control pill yesterday (Saturday). Let the journey begin!

Wish us luck!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First Post

I created this blog to document Brad and I's journey to create our own little bundle of joy. The only people that know we are trying is our close group of friends and my co-workers. We don't want to tell our parents yet, for the sole fact that I would rather surprise the heck out of them. :)

It will be really exciting for my mom and Brad's mom to see where we started to when we (hopefully) tell them that we are expecting in the coming months.

Today is Wednesday, November 11, 2009. My last active birth control pill is on Saturday.

Let the journey begin!!!