Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ultrasound #2

We had ultrasound #2 today. We are on track for our September 12th due date! We got to see the heartbeat and our little peanut. The heart rate was 168.

We are offically 7 weeks today.

Our parents are supposed to be coming to our house this weekend. We were planning on telling them then. My mom doesn't know if she wants to come yet. Boy, she is going to kick herself in the pants if she doesn't come to MN for the weekend!

Here is a photo of the little Baby Fischer. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Ultrasound

Brad and I had our first ultrasound today. They weren't able to see the baby quite yet. The technician took some pictures, but we didn't get any of them. After measuring the sack, we are approximately 5 weeks and 1 day along. This means that we conceived on December 8th and we are due on September 12th.
I should be hearing something from an RN in the next couple days to let us know where they want to go from here. Hopefully I won't have to have anymore needle pokes!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Prenatal Appointment

Hello everyone,

I went in today for more blood tests. After the nurse took about 7 containers of blood. Again, let me tell you, I hate needles.

We got some really good news today though. My hCG levels needed to be at 5,000 before they would do an ultrasound and it came back at 12,869.6!! Holy cow!! This is great news!

We have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8am.

I should have some pictures posted soon. :)

We leave for Mexico in 6 days!! Can't wait!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Blood Draw #2

I went back to the doctor today. My hCG level was at a 720.6. They said that this number should double every two days. I will have my blood drawn (hopefully for the last time) on the 12th.

I have to go in tomorrow to get the H1N1 vaccine. I'm not looking forward to all the needles.

At the rate we are progressing with the hCG levels, it should be over 5,000 by next Tuesday, the 12th. At that time, they will hopefully be able to do an ultrasound.

Keep watching for updates. :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

1st Dr. Visit

Yesterday, Thursday, December 31st, I went to the doctor to have my hCG level tested. Let me tell you, I HATE NEEDLES!! Right now, my hCG level is at 67.3. My levels need to be over 5,000 before they will do an ultra sound and try to give us an exact due date.

The RN told me that we are around 3-4 weeks. This means that baby Fischer will be here around the end of August! I have to go back on Monday afternoon to have my blood drawn again to make sure that it is increasing at the correct rate.

It looks like 2010 will be a year to remember!