Saturday, February 13, 2010

Update: 9 Weeks

I wanted to send out an update to everyone and you know how things are going so far. I am currently 9 weeks along. We finally told everyone in the family. Everyone is super excited for us. This baby is going to be so loved.

When people find out that you're expecting, you get three typical questions... How are you feeling? Are you going to find out what you're having? and What names do you have picked out?

So, to answer these questions for those of you who haven't been able to ask yet... I feel great. No morning sickness. Just tired all day long. No, we're not going to find out what we're having. I know that's strange these days, but we want the surprise. As for names, we do have some picked out. For a boy, Cooper John. For a girl, I haven't decided between Aubree or Braelyn. These names are as of today, who knows what I will be feeling when the baby actually arrives.

Only 210 days until Baby Fischer is supposed to be here. Almost 7 months away. It's going to be a long summer!

Here is a picture of myself at 9 weeks 6 days.