Sunday, April 11, 2010

18 weeks

It's that time again, time for an update!

I wanted to let everyone know how we're doing so far and give some updated pictures. We are at 18 weeks right now. Almost 1/2 way done. We can't wait to hold our little peanut.

We are all doing great. Work in getting busy for the both of us, so we're trying to save up as much money as possible before this little one gets here. Baby F is kicking like crazy lately too! It isn't hard enough for Brad to feel yet though. In the next week or two, he should be able to feel everything.

As for the nursery, we haven't even started yet. My mom is coming up in two weeks for the ultrasound and we're going to paint the bed room and get the crib put together. I will post those pictures as we go.

This first picture is from 15 weeks.

This second picture is at 17 weeks.

Only two more weeks and we get some more pictures of our lil peanut! I can't wait for that ultrasound. And Mom, if you're reading this... NO! You can't find out what we're having!!