Monday, June 21, 2010

Goodbye 2nd Trimester, Hello 3rd!

Well, we're in the home stretch! We had our 28 week appointment today. I passed the gestational diabetes test. Thank goodness! It was a pretty uneventful appointment though.

I still feel good. Also, this baby is moving like crazy. He/she loved to keep it's butt, elbows, knees, anything boney sticking out of my side.

Here are some updated photos!

*****28 Weeks*****

Monday, June 14, 2010

Updated Belly Photo - 24 weeks

Here is the updated belly photo I promised a long time ago!

Is it a boy or girl?

5 Years Together

Brad and I have officially been together for 5 years. We have gone through so much in the past 5 years. I wanted to take a few minutes to think back about them. We have been through so much.

In 2005, we met in Okoboji at Oak Hill Marina. He owned a house in Spirit Lake. I was working at the marina as a summer employee. I then attended SDSU for my freshman year. We went through some rough patches, but we made it!

In 2006, I was finishing up my freshman year at SDSU. I came back to Okoboji to work for Oak Hill again. I also moved in with Brad for the summer. After the summer ended, I went back for the first half of my sophmore year. Brad decided to move to St. Cloud, MN to work for Polar Tank and live with his brother. I couldn't stand being 4 hours away, so I decided to follow him shortly after Christmas.

In 2007, we lived with Brad's brother until July. We purchased our first home in St. Cloud at the end of July. We also got engaged in August. I also started my Finance degree at SCSU.

In 2008, we both worked full time, I attended classes and spent a lot of time with our new friends in St. Cloud. I graduated from St. Cloud State in December too.

In 2009, we spent a lot of time going back and forth to Iowa. We were working on our wedding. I started a new job at Wells Fargo Financial as a credit manager. The year was going smoothly until Brad lost his job at Polar Tank in April. We got married on June 13th. Brad was laid off for 6 months, and got his new job at John Deere in September. On December 30th, we got the best news ever. We were pregnant!

So far, we are enjoying 2010. We've had an incredible pregnancy so far. We can't wait for September to get here. We've been spending a lot of time at home, getting ready for the baby. We spent our 5 year anniversary together & 1 year wedding anniversary at the Minnesota Zoo. We both had a blast!

We can't wait to see what the following years brings us!