Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cooper's First Christmas

Wow, this kid had a GREAT first Christmas.  He didn't know any different as to what was going on, but next year will be completely different.  Here are some cute photos of Cooper!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This kid loves to talk.  Here's a video of it.  :)  He makes me smile!

Friday, December 10, 2010

3 Month Professional Photos

We made a last minute decision to get Cooper's 3 month photos taken.  It was also a last minute decision to have both Brad and I in the photos.  Sears did a great job though!  We went in during a snow storm, thank goodness we were living in town.

Let me know what you think!  I just can't help to think what a handsome, happy little boy we have!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

3 Months Old

Times are going fast.  We have a very happy little 3 month old on our hands.  He is always moving and smiling more now.  He even giggles!

Sometimes I think I'm not ready for another, but sometimes I think I could do this again now.  If it wasn't for daycare, I'd have 4 kids - as long as they are as easy as Cooper.  But everyone keeps telling me that that won't happen. 

We had Berger & Chelsea's wedding the first weekend in December.  We had a great time.  Cooper and Jason spent time with Grandma Grace & Grandpa Stan.  Thanks GG.

Here are some updated photos.

Hunter already, maybe!

So smiley during Chelsea & Berger's Wedding

A ladies man already!

Family photo op!

With the puppies