Monday, January 31, 2011

A couple cute photos

Here are a few cute photos that I couldn't pass up on sharing with everyone.  Enjoy!!

Grandma Julie sent me a present!

I fell asleep because Mommy is so boring.

Being goofy!

Cuddling with Grandma.

Friday, January 7, 2011

4 Months

At his 4 month appointment, Dr. Hart said Cooper will be a basketball player some day.  I don't think so!  I want a wrestler or a snow-cross rider.

Weight: 15lbs (50%)

Length: 27 1/2" (90%)

Dr. Hart also gave us the go-ahead to start feeding him cereal and basic veggies.  We started him on baby food right away because we couldn't keep up with the bottles.

Here are the updated photos:

We're working on sitting up...

Trying cereal for the first time. We didn't do too bad!

But Mom!  I wanna hold the spoon!

I love my toes.

Working on our neck muscles.

Cooper is pretty much the most enjoyable thing in my life.  He's so happy and healthy.  Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve such a great kid.  I also wonder if it'll come back to bite me in the tail later.