Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Crawling, or maybe not?

I tired to upload these photos to YouTube, but it's being difficult!   Anyway, we have a semi-crawler.  He's army crawling now.  It's very cute. 

On Sunday, May 1st, he started doing this army crawl.  I was home to witness it.  Right now (May 4th), I am in Apple Valley at training.  I have been able to Skype with Cooper and Daddy.  They decided to put the computer on one side of the living room and sit Cooper on the other.  He went from butt to stomach and crawled over to the computer.  Thank goodness for Skype!  I can't wait to get home to see it in person again.   He picks up on things so quickly.

Here are some videos from Sunday.  I'll post more from later this week during the weekend so you can see how he's improving so fast!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Real Food

On Sunday, we decided to grind up some lasagna that Grandma Julie made.  It was the best idea ever!  He absolutely loved it.  He found it very funny to hold the spoon, too.