Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My New Hobby

I am in love with my new hobby!  I took up couponing a few months back and have absolutely fallen in love.  I watched a couple episodes of Extreme Couponing about a year ago and I was hooked.  I knew I didn't want to do anything like that, but the savings surprised me!  I didn't know you could get items for free, or even MAKE MONEY?!   I was instantly addicted. 

Every week I go to the store and get 2 Sunday papers.  I look through the local ones and see which ones have the best coupons.  My mom will also give her coupons to me.  I also print out coupons online.  I always print 2 of each, even though I might not use them.   I've found that it's better to have way too many coupons than not enough.  I clip all of them and then sort the in my coupon binder.  It's a great way to stay orgainized, which is key.

Anything that I do not use, I donate to Upper Des Moines in Sibley.  I figure if I am not going to use it, why not give it to someone that can really use it!  I always feel so great when I donate items.

Coupon Blogs that I Love (and follow daily):

Coupon Website to Print From:

Coupon Binder

Another View of the Binder

Stockpile: Laundry

Stockpile: Travel Size & some Tolietries

Full Stockpile