Monday, March 3, 2014

Blood Draw #2

I had my blood draw again today to try to determine a due date.  My HCG level came back at 8346.  
Dr. Sebata said that my level came up nicely, just as was hoped for.   We will now follow up as planned for my ultrasound and visit on March 12.

We are estimating at being around 5-6 weeks currently.  I am still very nervous.  I don't think my nerves will subside until we see this peanut's heartbeat and get past the three month mark to be safe. 

We told my parents last night.   We told them this early so that if something happens again, we aren't telling them as I'm miscarrying again.  Here is how we told them... 

Cooper gave this to Grandma and Papa last night.

They were just as excited and surprised as we were.   Only God knows if this will pan out or not.  We'll just leave it up to him. 
