Friday, September 11, 2015

Interview with a Five Your Old

What is your favorite color?     Green

What is your favorite toy?      Combine

What is your favorite fruit?     Apples

What is your favorite TV show?      Hot Wheels

What is your favorite thing to eat?      Pizza

What is your favorite outfit?      Tank Top & Shorts

What is your favorite game?      Wii Sports

What is your favorite snack?      Goldfish

What is your favorite animal?      Giraffes

What is your favorite song?      House Party by Sam Hunt

What is your favorite book?     Cat in the Hat

Who is your best friend?      Katrin

What is your favorite cereal?      Lucky Charms

What is your favorite thing to do outside?      Play on our swing set

What is your favorite drink?      Apple Juice

What is your favorite holiday?      Halloween

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?      Toothless & Avenger Blanket

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?     Cereal

What do you want for your dinner on your birthday?       Pizza

What do you want to be when you grow up?     John Deere Guy

Sunday, May 31, 2015

May Happenings

We had lots of fun in May this year. 

First, we went to the Bridge's Bay waterpark.  On Sundays from Labor Day til Memorial Day, its only $5 per person for admission.  Those are my kind of prices.  ;)

Cooper and Tenley really enjoyed taking out ALL of her toys every chance they got.
Cooper enjoyed soccer.  He played for the rec department and was able to have about 4 practices.  All the other practices were canceled due to rain.

Our buddy Briggs came to spend some time with us.  These two are going to be trouble in the future!


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Tenley Monthly: 7

Age:  7 Months
Weight:  20.4lbs
Length:  27.5in


Sunday, May 24, 2015

On to Pre-K!

Cooper had a good year in preschool.  He was 8 days from the cut off for being eligible for preschool this year.   His birthday is September 7th and the cut off is age 4 by September 15th. 

After discussing with this teacher, Mrs. Honken, we decided it would be better for him to attend Pre-K this coming fall.   We didn't want him to graduate at 17 or to ever struggle in school because of his age. 

He was sad that school was over for the year.   Summer will go by quick and he will be back in school before he knows it!

Cooper had his preschool graduation tonight.  We were very lucky and had a lot of people there to cheer him on!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sioux Falls Zoo

In our household, spring time means planting season.  Planting season means Daddy working 60+ hours a week.  We never know when he will be home at night or how long he will be working on Saturday. 

We decided that since it was nice out, we would head to Sioux Falls and go to the Zoo.   Both kids loved it!  

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dance Recital

Cooper's first dance recital was comical.   He was excited to dance on stage, but then just stood there and looked for us the entire time.  He stood on stage like he had binoculars on, looking for us.  The entire crowd was laughing.

He had two routines.  Both were tumbling.

Grandma Julie and Papa Skinny along with Grandma Grace and Aunt Dianne all came to watch him!  It was a great afternoon.

Cody + Lisa Matheus

Cooper's Godfather, Cody, got married this week.  Brad was asked to be a groomsman and Cooper was his ring bearer.  For the wedding being in early May and it was an outdoor wedding, the weather was perfect.   The wedding was at a beautiful Thumper Pond golf course in Ottertail, MN. 

It was an amazing time!  The weather was perfect, the food was amazing and the company was the best part.  :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tenley Monthly: 6

Age:  6 Months
Weight:  18lbs 8oz
Length:  27in

Milestones:  Rolls to wherever she wants to get to.  She's always making noises.

Sleep:  Still sleeping through the night. She goes to bed around 9:30pm and sleeps until 9:00am.  

Best Moment:    Watching her play peek-a-boo with Cooper.  She also absolutely loves stroller and wagon rides.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter 2015

Just a few photos from Easter this year.  We stayed home and enjoyed Easter in Sibley.   We are always traveling, so if felt nice to be home!