Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tenley Monthly: 3

Age:  3 Months
Weight:  12lbs 10oz
Length:  24 1/4in

Milestones:  Turns to lay on her side to look around.  She had her first sleepover at Grandma and Papa's.  She also giggles.  I love baby giggles.

Sleep:  She is now sleeping through the night.  From 10pm to 5am. 

Best Moment:  Having her light up when I pick her up from daycare. 

Health:  She had her first cold.   Mommy brought her into the clinic to have her checked out, but she's totally fine.  It was something viral that just has to take its course.  

Things I want to remember:  Her Baptism.   Mommy & Daddy's friends, Brittiany and Nick Meyne are Tenley's Godparents.  We are all so excited for Brittiany and Nick as they are expecting as well!   Mommy wants Brittiany to have a little girl so both her and Tenley can grow up being friends like we were!

Monday, January 26, 2015


Tenley's Baptism was a great day.  The weather was awesome and we had a great turnout.   The service went off without any hiccups.   Tenley did great in front of church.

After the service was over, we went back to our house and had a chili buffet. 

We are fortunate to have such a great group of friends and family.