Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tenley Monthly: 4

Age:  4 Months
Weight:  13lbs 10oz
Length:  25 1/4in

Milestones:  Her neck is so strong.  She finally enjoys tummy time.  She also enjoys her jumperoo.  She would spend hours in there if we let her. 

Sleep:  She is still sleeping through the night.  She will wake up on occasion to eat, but its just during growth spurts.

Best Moment:  Seeing her fall asleep in random places.  She always has to see what's going on around her, so for her to fall asleep in the middle of everything is a rarity. 

Health:  Such a healthy kid.   She's had her fair share of colds already, but still has yet to be on any medicine (besides her reflux meds). 

Things I want to remember:  Her first trip to Wisconsin for Christmas.  It took a ton of planning to make sure we had everything along, but it went pretty well.   A house full of family that loved up on the babies (Tenley & Dierks) was so much fun.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

2014 Annual Family Review

Wow - this past year really got away from me.   With a new baby, I didn't have much extra time to get the letter out this year.  I put the letter up on Facebook for all to see.  I promise I will get it mailed out again next year.