Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tenley Monthly: 5

Age:  5 Months
Weight:  17lbs 1oz
Length:  26in

Milestones:  Rolls over, and then just keeps rolling all the way across the room.  She started cereal.  She didn't know what to think about it at first, but quickly grew to love it. 

Sleep:  Sleeping through the night. Mommy and Daddy really like this.  She goes to bed around 9:30pm and sleeps until 8:00am.  

Best Moment:    Being able to get her off the Nutramigen formula.  Not only was that stuff VERY expensive, it was smelly and stained everything in sight.

Things I want to remember:  How much she loves to interact with Cooper.  She is always watching what he's doing an trying to follow him around, with her eyes that is.  Before we know it, she will be crawling after him.