Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Family Christmas 2013

Because of our schedule this year, we decided that we could open gifts on Christmas Eve.  Once Daddy got home around one in the afternoon, we were able to let Cooper open his presents from us. 

Of course, he was spoiled again this year. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

GG's Christmas 2013

It's now time for GG's Christmas!   We love spending time with Grandma Grace, Papa Stan and everyone else!   Grace had a full house, just like every other year.  



Saturday, December 14, 2013

Meeting Santa 2013

Santa came to Ocheyedan this year.  Cooper, Mommy, Chelsea & Tank went to go meet him.   We had lunch, then waited in line to see Santa.

Cooper was so excited.  Tank, not so much. 

 Cooper asked Santa for a combine for Christmas.   Santa asked him, "What color?" Cooper responded, "A red one!"   Santa replies, "I don't your daddy would like a red tractor, how about a green one?"   "Yeah, sure!", Cooper said.

Cooper & Santa

Tank didn't like Santa

"I want a combine for Christmas"

Saturday, December 7, 2013

AgStar Holiday Gala 2013

Every year, AgStar hosts their Holiday Gala in the Twin Cities.  This years theme was Masquerade Ball.  There are almost 650 employees that work for AgStar.  There were probably 600-700 people at the Gala this year.   It's always a good time!   Great food, good drinks and amazing company. 

Diana, Krista, Bridget, myself & Keith

The masked couple
Chelsey & Ashley

We clean up nice!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Luedeman Family Christmas 2013

We had to have our Luedeman Family Christmas early this year.  Auntie Jenna now lives in Kansas City.  Grandma Julie & Papa Skinny are heading down to Arizona on vacation.   Grandma Julie swears that for Christmas 2014, they will be home for Christmas.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday 2013

Every year, Ashley Fischer #3 and I go Black Friday shopping.  This was our 4th year in a row.  We've decided we're now the masters of Black Friday, especially at the East side Target.   We get there a couple hours early.  We are equipped with hand warmers, blankets, jackets, chairs, etc.  We started sitting in line at Target at 5pm, as they opened at 7.   We then shopped until 1am.   I got most of my shopping done in one night, and saved a ton of money.

Just a couple minutes before heading inside
Portia joined us again this year.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Few Beers Later...

Last night, Ashley & Holly met me in Apple Valley.  I had a meeting in town on Friday night, but we always go to the cities the night before.  Otherwise, I would have to be up at 3:30am and leave town by 4 or so to make sure I was in the cities by 9am.  You never know if you are going to run into traffic, an accident, bad weather, etc. 

Here are just a couple photos from a great night.  I am very fortunate to have these two in my life.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November 2013 Menu

3.  Cashew Chicken {P}
4.  Grilled Cheese & Chicken Noodle Soup
5.  Taco Stragonoff {Frozen}
6. Crockpot Beef & Noodles {P}
7.  Frozen Pizza
8.  Chicken & French Fries
9.  White Trash Casserole {P}
10.  Homemade Pizza
11.  BBQ Pulled Pork {P} [Double Batch]
12.  Chicken Nachos {Frozen}
13.  Hamburger Gravy
14.  Baked Chicken Parmesan {P}
15.  Leftovers
16.  Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken {P}
17.  Hamburgers on grill
18.  Chicken Alfredo Rollups {P}, [Double Batch]
19.  Turkey Tacos
20.  Chicken & Pea Casserole
21.  Leftovers
22.  Walking Taco Casserole {P}
23.  Meatloaf & Baked Potatoes
24.  Famous Bowls
25.  Chicken Grillers
26.  Alfredo w/ Cheese Bread
27.  Spaghetti
28 - 29- 30.  OUT OF TOWN

Sunday, November 3, 2013

An Adventure for Cooper

It was cold and windy today.  We decided to surprise Cooper with an "adventure".   We got him dressed and headed to Okoboji.  We asked him where he wanted to eat and of course, it was "Ak-donalds".  So off to McD's we went.  We had lunch and then drove to Bridges Bay.  We pulled up and his eyes lit up.  We asked, "Cooper, where are we?"   He replied, "The Waterpark!!  Thank you, I'm ready for my adventure!"

We are very fortunate to be able to do things like this with Cooper.  I'm glad we are able to make memories that will last a lifetime.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thankmas 2013

Thanksmas is always scheduled to be the first Saturday in November.  It has been this was for a few years now and works out really well.   Daddy had to work but joined us later.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Twenty-Thirteen

I swear, every time I asked Cooper what he wanted to be for Halloween, he would change his mind. 
He MUST be my child.  ;)
I finally decided on a Spiderman Costume.  I got it at Target for $20, so I was happy.  When I got it home at the beginning of September, I had him try it on.  He never wanted to take the darn thing off. 
On the way home, I picked up Camden, Katrin and Cooper so we could all go trick-or-treating downtown.
After we got home, we got ready and headed downtown.  It was cold, so we rushed through the businesses and got our candy as fast as possible.  I never did take out my phone or camera.  :(
Happy Halloween from my Peter Parker. 
Cooper finished out the night handing out candy at our house.  He loved asking people who they were and giggling every time he saw another Spidey.