Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Twenty-Thirteen

I swear, every time I asked Cooper what he wanted to be for Halloween, he would change his mind. 
He MUST be my child.  ;)
I finally decided on a Spiderman Costume.  I got it at Target for $20, so I was happy.  When I got it home at the beginning of September, I had him try it on.  He never wanted to take the darn thing off. 
On the way home, I picked up Camden, Katrin and Cooper so we could all go trick-or-treating downtown.
After we got home, we got ready and headed downtown.  It was cold, so we rushed through the businesses and got our candy as fast as possible.  I never did take out my phone or camera.  :(
Happy Halloween from my Peter Parker. 
Cooper finished out the night handing out candy at our house.  He loved asking people who they were and giggling every time he saw another Spidey.

Monday, October 28, 2013

One Year Ago

One year ago, we lost a pillar in our family.  Grandma Arlene was an amazing woman and she will forever be missed.  We were very lucky to have her be apart of our lives.  She was one of the kindest people I have ever known.  I will forever treasure our memories, old and new.  



Sunday, October 20, 2013

Toddle On Over

Each Tuesday night at 7pm, Cooper and Mommy attend Toddle On Over (T.O.O.) at the Sibley Library.  It typically lasts about 30 minutes.  We sing, watch nursery rhymes, read books, play games and even do small crafts.  Each week is something a little different.  Cooper absolutely loves going.  He has developed such an imagination.

He might make a good teacher, some day!
Reading to his buddies.

Good job, guys!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Interview with a Three-Year-Old

What is your favorite color?     Blue

What is your favorite toy?      Neo Tracks

What is your favorite fruit?     Watermelon

What is your favorite TV show?      Anything with animals

What is your favorite thing to eat?      Pizza

What is your favorite outfit?      IronMan Shirt

What is your favorite game?      Football

What is your favorite snack?      Fruit Snacks

What is your favorite animal?      Birds

What is your favorite song?      Animal Song

What is your favorite book?     Animal Book

Who is your best friend?      GG

What is your favorite cereal?      Lucky Charms

What is your favorite thing to do outside?      Play in the sandbox

What is your favorite drink?      Apple Juice

What is your favorite holiday?      Christmas

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?      Blankie & Dino

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?     Cereal

What do you want for your dinner on your birthday?       Pizza

What do you want to be when you grow up?     A Doctor

*I found this online and thought it was a great idea!  I will try to remember to do this every year and put a book together.  For now, I want to get it online so I don't lose it.  :)