Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our family is growing by two feet.

Yes, I have always believe that saying is cheesy, but it fits in this situation.   If you haven't read the other blog posts from earlier this month, you can read it here now. 
We're pregnant!!    Cooper is going to be a big brother!
Last Friday (April 18), we finally made the announcement.   You know, Facebook official.  :)

Thanks to my Aunt Kim for her quick and amazing talents with photo shop.  
On Thursday, April 17, I went to the doctor for my 12 week check up.  I was extremely nervous.  I hadn't had any bleeding yet, or any pain, but just wanted to make sure evrything was okay.  
The nurses took my weight, blood pressure, pulse, etc.   Then I waited for the doctor.   After talking with him for about 5 minutes he said, "Let's go for our scan."   I was confused.   I asked what he meant.  He said it's easier to see the heartbeat than to hear it.   So they were going to do an ultrasound.   They sure do things different than St. Cloud Hospital! 
The second I saw that little jumping bean, you should have taken my blood pressure.  It had to have dropped so quickly.  I was relieved!  Our baby was just fine, moving around like CRAZY.   He took the heart rate, and it measured at 160bpm.   Pure perfection.  I wish I would have known they were going to do an ultrasound, then I would have had Brad come with me as well.   Oh well.  He'll be there at the 20 week one.  
When people find out that you're expecting, you get three typical questions... How are you feeling? Are you going to find out what you're having? and What names do you have picked out?
So, to answer these questions for those of you who haven't been able to ask yet... I feel pretty good.  I had morning sickness for the first 8 weeks.  I never actually threw up, but just had that horrible nauseus feeling most of the day.  I am just tired all day long.
No, we're not going to find out what we're having. I know that's strange these days, but we want the surprise.
As for names, I have names that I love but we haven't been able to come to an agreement about other names.   For a girl, we had Tenley Grace picked out for Cooper if he were a girl.  But this time around, we like Alena (A-lee-na) Grace for a girl.  It will be a mixture of Arlene and Viola, both of my grandmother's that have passed away.  For a boy, we are still struggling with that one.  Feel free to offer up any suggestions!!  These names are as of today, who knows what we will be feeling when the baby actually arrives.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Fun

Auntie Jenna came home for Easter weekend.   She watched Cooper and Tank on Friday and then spent the weekend with us.  We went to visit the Easter Bunny, went to the Easter egg hunt in Central Park, dyed eggs (or tried to!), and found Easter eggs that the Easter bunny hid for Cooper.
Cooper didn't want to sit on his lap this year.  But he did love his Tow Mater tattoo on his hand.
Chelsea and Jenna tried to dye eggs with food coloring and cool whip.  It didn't work very well.
Someone was too excited for the Easter Bunny that he didn't want to get dressed.
Running around the house, trying to find all the eggs.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Visiting Great Papa in Arizona

Cooper and Ashley went to go visit Great Papa Don in Arizona.   

Day 1.
Cooper did amazing on the flight. He got a little antsy towards the end, but overall pretty awesome. We got to the airport in Phoenix and he came around the corner, saw Don Ebbinga, and screamed "Great Papa!" and started running towards him. Everyone in the crowd giggled.
We went back to Papas place, put our shorts on, and played in the rocks. Then off to Culvers for supper. On our way back, we picked up some sand. Great Papa made Cooper a make-shift sandbox.  


Day 2.
Cooper woke up at 5:30am. Wow. This momma wasn't ready for that! 
We spent most of the day at the zoo with Donna Bertrand and Don Ebbinga. We walked over 3.5 miles and saw most of the animals at the zoo. Cooper said his favorite animal was the elephant named Reba.
We ordered a pizza, and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
Cooper had to play in his sandbox one more time. Then it was bath time, and after laying down for 10 minutes, someone crashed!
Grandpa Don and I then stayed up, watched Mrs. Doubtfire and of course, had some ice cream.

Day 3. 
We woke up and Coop got a buffet for breakfast. Rice Krispies, Ranch Pringles, and chex mix.
We then headed off to Eloy to watch the "boys jump out of airplanes" while having a snack.
Cooper and Mommy spent the afternoon in the pool. ...
After supper, we played Zilch. Cooper won the first game. We said Great Grandma Arlene helped him win.
Day 4.
Time to relax before we head out early tomorrow.  We took Cooper to the park in Maricopa.  We fed the ducks and turtles in the pond.   We then came back and he played in the sandbox pretty much the rest of the afternoon.   For supper, we headed out to a Mexican restaurant that was DELICIOUS!  




 Day 5.
Our flight for the way home left at 7:30am.  We were up very early and on the plane by 6:45am.   Cooper didn't do as well on the way home.  He was overly tired and sick of sitting around.  On the flight home, Cooper asked the flight attendant if he could try the dentist bag.  She let him play with one.  I would totally do this trip all over again.  I would just bring daddy along.