Sunday, May 25, 2014

Brittiany + Nick

I was honored to be one of Brittiany's Matron's of Honor.   We have been best friends since 1998 when I moved to Sibley.  Brittiany & Nick's wedding was straight out of a Martha Stewart magazine.  It was absolutely beautiful and went off without a hitch.   I was 18 weeks pregnant, so I wasn't able to drink, but we all still had a good time. 

We also asked Nick and Brittiany to be baby's godparents.  We were thrilled they said yes!  :)



Thursday, May 15, 2014

16 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 16 weeks

Weight Gain: 5lbs

Stretch Marks: None

Belly Button: Still In, belly button ring still in.

Wedding Rings On/Off: Still on! 

Movement: After some sugar, this little peanut will do a dance.  I can feel it but daddy or brother can't yet.

Feeling:  Pretty good!   Getting over the exhausted feeling from a few weeks back which helps a lot.  I can now go to bed at 10pm or later instead of 8:30pm.  

Cravings: Fruit and chips.   Especially watermelon and sour cream & cheddar ruffles.

Symptoms: None

Missing: Angry Orchard Beer.  Never did I think I would miss that!   It's going to be a long summer of camping without it!

Looking forward to: Daddy feeling this little one kick him too.  

Sleep: Going pretty good so far.   Just need to find out what my body needs for sleep these days.   I just miss sleeping on my stomach.   I guess I should probably forget about that for a while.

Doctor Appointment:  Dr. Sebata did another ultrasound today.   He said it is the most accurate way to get a heart rate.   Heart rate was at 153bpm.   I got a few photos of Baby F.   I got to see the face along with the spine.  He said if I was going to find out, he could try to see what the baby was.  I told him we wanted a surprise.   So he didn't even go futher down the baby to look and see.   He did say that the baby looked "big".  Go figure.  I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's another boy.   But I'm totally okay with that!   That's just momma's gut feeling.  We'll find out in October!

What's Next:  The next appointment is on June 11.   It is the one hour ultrasound that they will check all the measurements and make sure the baby is still growing the way he/she should be.   Our anniversary is on June 13, so what a great gift!   <3

17 weeks

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May Menu

  1.  Eat Out
  2. Chicken Nachos
  3. Steak, heart-attack potatoes
  4. Pulled Pork Sandwiches
  5. Burgers, Sweet corn & Chips
  6. Spaghetti & French Bread
  7. Turkey Tacos
  8. Italian Sloppy Joes
  9. Leftovers
  10. Chicken, Frozen Corn & Twice Baked Potatoes
  11. Samdwiches
  12. Tatot Tot Hotdish (Make double batch and freeze half)
  13. Homemade Mac N Cheese
  14. Eat Out
  15. French Toast & Sausage
  16. Meatball Stroganoff
  17. Frozen Pizza
  18. Hot Ham & Cheese
  19. Chicken Noodle & Pea Casserole (Make double batch and freeze half)
  20. French Dips
  21. Corn Dogs & Fries
  22. Pizza Rolls
  23. Eat Out
  24. Eat Out
  25. Dorito Taco Salads
  26. Brats/Hotdogs
  27. Chicken Patties & Fries
  28. Frozen Pizza
  29. Ground Beef Casserole
  30. Ham McMuffins
  31. Minute Steaks, Steamed Potatoes & Beans