Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May Menu

  1.  Eat Out
  2. Chicken Nachos
  3. Steak, heart-attack potatoes
  4. Pulled Pork Sandwiches
  5. Burgers, Sweet corn & Chips
  6. Spaghetti & French Bread
  7. Turkey Tacos
  8. Italian Sloppy Joes
  9. Leftovers
  10. Chicken, Frozen Corn & Twice Baked Potatoes
  11. Samdwiches
  12. Tatot Tot Hotdish (Make double batch and freeze half)
  13. Homemade Mac N Cheese
  14. Eat Out
  15. French Toast & Sausage
  16. Meatball Stroganoff
  17. Frozen Pizza
  18. Hot Ham & Cheese
  19. Chicken Noodle & Pea Casserole (Make double batch and freeze half)
  20. French Dips
  21. Corn Dogs & Fries
  22. Pizza Rolls
  23. Eat Out
  24. Eat Out
  25. Dorito Taco Salads
  26. Brats/Hotdogs
  27. Chicken Patties & Fries
  28. Frozen Pizza
  29. Ground Beef Casserole
  30. Ham McMuffins
  31. Minute Steaks, Steamed Potatoes & Beans

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