Sunday, June 15, 2014


Another country music festival in the books!

We had never been to Winstock before, but decided in October 2013 that we would join Keith and Ashley and Holly and Nate this year.

We arrived on Thursday night.  After waiting in line for almost two hours, we were into our campground.  We got the camper unloaded and set up while we waited for Keith, Ashley, Holly & Nate to arrive.   We made some supper and everyone else enjoyed some adult beverages.  This girl sucked down a Capri Sun and some water. 

Friday - We slightly slept in, but it's hard to do when the sun is coming in full force in the camper.  We got up, and hung out.  Nate made some breakfast.  We tried to get some sun, but most of us just got a burn instead.  Chelsea and Berger showed up around 1pm and everyone kept drinking beer. 

Around 5pm, we made our walking tacos and proceeded to head to the concerts.   We got to see part of Danielle Bradbury's set.  She was pretty good.   Billy Currington put on a good show, for sure.  We had a blast, dancing around and singing our hearts out.    We left after Billing Currington.  Rascal Flaats came out after.   We didnt' want to stick around to hear them.

It was also Brad and I's 5 year wedding anniversary (9 years together)!   Man, how time flies.   It started to rain later that night.  

Saturday... oh Saturday... It rained ALL DAY.   In the morning, Brad and I decided to run to Runnings in Hutchinson to get some rain boots.  I'm so glad we went when we did!  We got some of the very last pairs that they had.  There were people piling in, looking for boots and ponchos. 

After spending most of the day in the camper, we tried to venture to the concerts for Jerrod Niemann.  It ended up pouring rain and we decided to go back.  It was thunder and lighting for quite some time.  It turns out that Jerrod Niemann and Justin Moore both didn't play.   Toby Keith ended up playing a full set at the end of the night (11pm-1am).   By that time, I was cold, wet, dirty and tired.  I was just ready for bed.  

Sunday was very intersting.  After it rained all day and all night, we ended up needing a tractor to help us get out of the campground!

All in all, we had a great time. It was a very expensive Danielle Bradbury/Billy Currington concert - but I would defnitely try it again. We had great company (Holly, Nate, Ashley, Keith, Chelsea & Dustin), so we can't complain! We'll see what 2015 brings.

To Dos again for next year:
If camping in Lot C, stay around row M.
Do walking tacos one night

Bring With:
Poncho/Rain Suit
Rain Boots
More food for the grill

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