Sunday, July 20, 2014

Osceola County Fair

We can't let the summer go by without going to the Osceola County Fair!   We played on the inflatables, watched Wide Loose win the tractor pull and ate at the FFA Stand.   Oh, and who can't go to the fair without getting a slice of Godfather's Pizza. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Annual Conference - Craguns Resort, Brainerd, MN

Every year, AgStar puts on an Annual Conference.  Every team member and their spouse is invited.  This year, it was at Craguns Resort in Brainerd.   Brad know his way around Brainerd, so we did some sight seeing instead of doing their events.  

Sunday night - The conference started out with a reception on the beach.  They had games, supper and drinks available.  It was fun, but the fireworks really finished off the night.  Baby was kicking up a storm because they were so loud.

Monday - Chelsey and I got up and went to Yoga.   Then we breakfast and then our teambuilding event on the beach.  It was FREEZING.   We were happy when it was over.   We had lunch then all went our own ways.   Brad and I toured around Brainerd and then took a nap.   On Monday night, we were surprised with our very own Hairball concert!  It was amazing to have them so close and to actually see a show (sober!).  :)

Tuesday - Time for breakfast and then our speaker.  He talked about the differences between men and women.  And boy, for the most part, he was right.   After that, it was time to head home and pick up Cooper from Stan's house.

I am very fortunate to work for a company that does things like this for their employees and their spouses.  Thanks AgStar!

Monday, July 14, 2014

24 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 24 weeks

Weight Gain: 13lbs

Stretch Marks: None

Belly Button: Still In, belly button ring still in, too.

Wedding Rings On/Off: Still on!

Movement: Gettting kicked in the side and ribs on a regular basis. 

Feeling:  Amazing!

Cravings: Cheese balls, ice cream and watermelon.

Symptoms: None

Missing: Being able to button my jeans.

Looking forward to: Being able to go over an hour without having to pee. 

Sleep: For the most part, sleeping is going well.   Just need a few extra pillows these days.

Doctor Appointment:  Everything went well. 

What's Next: The next appointment is on August 6 for the 28 week mark.   That's when I will have to take the glucose test.

24 Weeks

Big Brother Cooper
Checking on baby to make sure he/she is okay

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Let's Go Camping

Camping is our favorite thing to do in the summer.  This year, we got everyone together at the Rothenberg campground in Springfield, MN.  Keith & Ashley, Holly & Nate, Ashley & Jon, Chelsea & Dustin and us.  We were all able to bring our kiddos and have a blast! 

We also had Jason's 11th birthday party so GG & Stan, Bill & Laura, Teri & Craig and Bob & Lori showed up as well. 

We are already planning what we are going to do for next year. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fourth of July Camping 2014

Fourth of July camping this year was pretty low key.  We got spots at the Sibley campground (you know, our favorite place) again and just spent time lounging around town.   It nice to camp so close to home where you can run and get stuff done.  It did rain a lot, but we didn't let that stop us from having a good time.