Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Annual Conference - Craguns Resort, Brainerd, MN

Every year, AgStar puts on an Annual Conference.  Every team member and their spouse is invited.  This year, it was at Craguns Resort in Brainerd.   Brad know his way around Brainerd, so we did some sight seeing instead of doing their events.  

Sunday night - The conference started out with a reception on the beach.  They had games, supper and drinks available.  It was fun, but the fireworks really finished off the night.  Baby was kicking up a storm because they were so loud.

Monday - Chelsey and I got up and went to Yoga.   Then we breakfast and then our teambuilding event on the beach.  It was FREEZING.   We were happy when it was over.   We had lunch then all went our own ways.   Brad and I toured around Brainerd and then took a nap.   On Monday night, we were surprised with our very own Hairball concert!  It was amazing to have them so close and to actually see a show (sober!).  :)

Tuesday - Time for breakfast and then our speaker.  He talked about the differences between men and women.  And boy, for the most part, he was right.   After that, it was time to head home and pick up Cooper from Stan's house.

I am very fortunate to work for a company that does things like this for their employees and their spouses.  Thanks AgStar!

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