Wednesday, August 20, 2014

28 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 28 weeks

Weight Gain: 17lbs

Stretch Marks: None

Belly Button: Still In, belly button ring still in, too.

Wedding Rings On/Off: Still on!

Movement: Baby is trying to get out of my sides.  Staying out of my ribs though.

Feeling:  Pretty darn good!

Cravings: Chicken strips, cheese balls, ice cream and watermelon.

Symptoms: None

Missing: Being able to bed over easily to help Cooper.

Looking forward to: Being able to sleep on my stomach again.

Sleep: Just having to get up once a night to pee.

Doctor Appointment: Everything went great!  Baby's heartbeat is at 155.  Passed my glucose test with flying colors.  We did find out that my iron is a little low.  So now I'll be taking iron pills a couple times a day.

What's Next: The next appointment is on August 20 for the 30 week mark.  

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