Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tenley Grace's First Week

Life with a newborn is challenging.   We are exhausted, but extremely happy.   How does that work?  :)   We got home on Thursday and on Saturday, Papa Denny, Grandma Deb and Great Grandma Fischer came to meet Tenley.  

Cooper loves his little sister.  He only calls her "baby".  I keep asking him what her name is and he knows it.  He says he's the best big brother.  I agree.  If I need something, he will do it for me.  Except for taking the dirty diapers to the diaper pail. Hehe.

Camden LOVES Tenley.

Our children look nothing alike...  OMG!  Same kid.

1 week check up

I'm too sexy for my diaper...  :)


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