Friday, October 8, 2010

It's A Boy!!

Cooper John Fischer was born on September 7th at 12:02pm. He weighed 8lbs 3oz, just like his Daddy. He was 21.5 inches long. He has brown hair and blue eyes. Everyone says he looks just like the both of us.

Our Story:

On Sunday, September 5th, I was having contractions all day. They were slowly getting closer together, but not more intense. We ended up going into the hospital at 10pm that night. They monitored me for a while and decided that I was not close enough to stay at the hospital until delivery. We were sent home.

The next day, on Labor Day, Monday, September 6th, I was having contractions all day long again. But this time they were slowly getting closer together and more intense. I didn't want to go back to the hospital to be sent home again. I decided that because we are so close to the hospital, and I could handle the pain, I would wait for a while. Brad and I went to bed around 10pm, and at midnight, my water broke. Our bags were already in the car from the night before, so we just hopped in the car and headed to the ER entrance at the St. Cloud Hospital.

We arrived and they took us up to our room. I was monitored for about a 1/2 hour, then they moved us to a delivery room. I went without the epidural for about 2 hours. Around 2am, I couldn't take it anymore. The doctor came in and started my epidural. Life was so much better then. We both tried to get some sleep while I was progressing.

At about 9:30am, I started pushing. We figured out that he was sunny side up. We tried many different positions, but no luck when it came to turning him. After 2 1/2 hours of pushing, a try with the forceps, three tries with the vacuum and an episiotomy, he was here!

He is all we could ever ask for. :)

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