Sunday, March 20, 2011

Puppies, see you later!

We decided to give up our dogs for adoption.  It was a very hard decision,  but it was made for the dogs.  Lizzie and Drake went to a great home in Champlin with a family that is taking GREAT care of them.  We recently got a message from their new mom.  I thought I would share that (and some photos of them) so everyone can see how great of a family they went to.

This was one of the hardest things we've ever had to do. Not a day goes by that we don't think about them. 

"They are wonderful. Drake and my daughter are best of friends she has taught him some funny tricks he's very smart and in June we are starting therapy dog training with him. We will be attending classes together twice a week for about 6 months. He has a great personality for this. Then we can go to nursing homes together. Lizzie she's such a princess, she has my husband and I wrapped around her paw. We love playing catch and she carries her orange ball everywhere, I did get her new balls but she loves the orange one the best. I can't wait to get home to them everyday. You did such a nice job training them and socializing them. I know you miss them and it was very hard for you to give them up. I assure you they are very well cared for and are getting tons of attention. You know you are not a bad person for rehoming your dogs, you are brave and it shows your love and compassion for Lizzie and Drake. You made sure they were going to a good place. I am a financial planner and I work with people in difficult situations especially with this economic down turn, they have to make decisions that at the time they don't want to make, but making that choice makes your future better. For what ever reason you gave these two up, it's because you knew it's what needed to be done at this time in your life. Things will get better for you and your family and I hope you are able to get another dog when the time is right. You are caring and loving and these dogs so wonderfully adjusted because of you. I bet you are an amazing mother to your child and I hope you enjoy every moment trust me it goes so fast. Take care."

Thank you Evers Family!!

And to you, Lizzie & Drake...  this is NOT goodbye, it's a see you later!  We love you and miss you every day.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blue Bike Studios

I met Barb Aaberg at the bank.  She owns Blue Bike Studios out of Palmer, MN.  She did an absolutely wonderful job!  We couldn't have been happier with the photos.  Here are some of them. 

My little man is so handsome!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

We're moving to IOWA!

Yes, you read that correctly.  We are moving to IOWA! 

I took a different job with AgStar Financial Services as a Home Mortgage Specialist.  I am very excited about the position and can not wait to get started!  My office will be located in Worthington, MN so we will be able to live in Sibley.  I'm ecstatic that Cooper will be able to go to school at Sibley-Ocheyedan. 

After going through a very lengthy application and interview process, I found out that I got a job at AgStar today.  We couldn't be more excited!  Since it's St. Patricks Day, I guess it's my lucky day! 

I will be starting on April 4th, so we've gotta kick it into high gear. Here is what we have to do:
*Get our basement done
*Put our house on the market
*Or rent it out
*Pack up our essentials
*Physically move to IA

Wish us luck!

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Friends Everywhere!

There were seven girls on our volleyball team.  Four of the sevem girls (myself included) found out that we were pregnant during the winter of 2009.  Three of us had our babies, and they were 5 weeks apart.

Lauren Rose was born on August 13th.  Cooper John was born on September 7th (3 weeks later).  Carson was born on September 18th (11 days after Cooper). 

Crazy huh?  There must have been something in the water at Whitney Center.  We were never able to get all three babies together, BUT we were able to get Cooper together with Lauren and Carson, seperately. 

Here are a couple videos of those interactions.  I love seeing Cooper around other babies.  It's so cute!

Monday, March 7, 2011

6 Months Old Already!

I know everyone says this, but I can't believe how fast time is flying by.  I really wasn't a huge fan of ages 0-4mo, but 4mo+ has been GREAT!  He interacts so much more with us (and everyone else for that matter). He talks and jabbers all the time to let you know that he wants your attention.  He loves to pull hair, play with my necklace, bit my shoulders and tear his toys apart.  He is definitely all boy! 

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but he doesn't seem to be scared of anyone.  He isn't even scared of loud noises anymore.  This is probably from our dogs barking.  But he loves when people talk to him and even say "Boo!" and "Rawr!".  He will probably say "Hi" before mama or dada. 

Cooper has become such a flirt.  He always smiles at everyone.  He is such a happy baby.  We couldn't be happier! 

At his 6 month check up he weighed 17lbs (90%) and was 28 1/2 inches long (70%).  Dr Hart could not believe how well he was sitting and playing by himself. 

He can sit and then lay down, roll over from stomach to back and vice versa.  But we are not to the crawling stage yet.  It will come, but I like him being immobile now.  We don't have to worry that he's getting into too much trouble.

Here are some photos of him, again!

All smiles.

Happy Boy!

Getting into everything already

Poor little man was sick for a while.