Monday, March 7, 2011

6 Months Old Already!

I know everyone says this, but I can't believe how fast time is flying by.  I really wasn't a huge fan of ages 0-4mo, but 4mo+ has been GREAT!  He interacts so much more with us (and everyone else for that matter). He talks and jabbers all the time to let you know that he wants your attention.  He loves to pull hair, play with my necklace, bit my shoulders and tear his toys apart.  He is definitely all boy! 

I don't know if this is a good or bad thing, but he doesn't seem to be scared of anyone.  He isn't even scared of loud noises anymore.  This is probably from our dogs barking.  But he loves when people talk to him and even say "Boo!" and "Rawr!".  He will probably say "Hi" before mama or dada. 

Cooper has become such a flirt.  He always smiles at everyone.  He is such a happy baby.  We couldn't be happier! 

At his 6 month check up he weighed 17lbs (90%) and was 28 1/2 inches long (70%).  Dr Hart could not believe how well he was sitting and playing by himself. 

He can sit and then lay down, roll over from stomach to back and vice versa.  But we are not to the crawling stage yet.  It will come, but I like him being immobile now.  We don't have to worry that he's getting into too much trouble.

Here are some photos of him, again!

All smiles.

Happy Boy!

Getting into everything already

Poor little man was sick for a while.

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