Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas 2014

Wow.  Christmas is always a whirlwind.  This year was pretty easy.  We went back and forth between our house and Papa Skinny & Grandma Julie's house. 

Opening presents at home from Mom & Dad.

Time to go to Grandma Julies & Papa Skinny to open some presents.

Back to our house to open our Christmas Eve boxes.  Each box has a pair of jammies, a movie, snacks and a book.

Santa came to our house!  Cooper got a bunch of Paw Patrol things.

Back to Grandma and Papa's for Christmas Day Dinner.

Tenley Monthly: 2

Age:  2 Months
Weight:  11lbs
Length:  23in

Milestones:  She started smiling more and cooing.   She's probably going to be a chatty kid, just like her brother.  Gosh, I wonder where they get that from.  :)

Sleep:  She hates sleeping in her crib.  She does pretty well in her RockNPlay though.

Best Moment:  Seeing Cooper want to be with her.  He already wants to play with her and doesn't realize that in a couple months, she'll be chasing him. 

Health:  She's a healthy, happy girl.  Now that we have her on the Nutramigen formula, it has done wonders.  The Nexium is also doing wonders for her acid reflux.

Things I want to remember:  Her smiles.   The moments where her eyes come into focus and she's able to actually see your face and starts to recognize you. 
**Her first playdate.  Mandy brought over Briggs and Bridget brought Connor.   Tenley was born on October 28, Briggs was 9 days later, and then Connor was another 6 days after that.  They are all going to be such great friends!
**Her first Christmas!  She couldn't open presents or anything this year, but next year she's really going to love it!


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Suprise!! Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary!

This is now the 2nd surprise party we have thrown for my parents in less than 5 years.  We did one when they turned 50, and now for their 30th wedding anniversary.

Chelsea, Jenna and I rented the Willow Creek shelter house.   With the help of mom's best friend, Deb, we were able to pull it off.  We sent out invites to all their closest friends and family.   About 40 people showed up.  We decorated the night before and it looked absolutely perfect!

Deb and Roger picked Mom and Dad up at their house and told them they were going out to eat at Tweeters in Okoboji.  When they drove by Willow Creek, Roger turned in.  They knew something was up.   We surprised them for sure!   They were both tearing up.  (Dad much worse than Mom.  Hehe.)

Oh wait... There is one more surprise.  Pastor Barb is here to renew your vows.  It is something Mom has talked about for 5 years. 

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tenley Monthly: 1

It's amazing how quickly this time goes when you look back.  While its happening, it feels like forever.  We already have a month in the books.   I never thought I could love someone as much as I love Cooper.  Tenley has proven that to be wrong!   By no means does this mean that I love Cooper any less, but it just means my heart has doubled in size to make room for Miss Tenley.

Age:  1 Month
Weight:  9lbs 13oz  (50-75%)
Length:  22.25" (75%)

Milestones:  She has been holding her head up since day one, but is gaining more control every day! She also responds to us when we talk with little noises and even the occasional little smile. 

Sleep:  She is not the worlds greatest sleeper.   She prefers cat naps and snacks with the bottle.  She is getting much better at eating more and sleeping longer.   She is sleeping in her rock-n-play at night and the swing during the day.   She had her days and nights mixed up for the first couple weeks but I think we got that figured out.

Best Moment:  Catching that first smile.   She tends to eat, and then want to play for a bit.   She's super smiley when she has a full belly and you talk to her.  I always tell her that she's gorgeous and she lights up from ear to ear.

Worst Moment:  Having to go to the doctor for a couple different things.  Tenley was having blood in her stools, and sometimes struggling to get out a bowel movement.   The doctor diagnosed her with a Milk Protein Intolerance.  She is not lactose intolerant, and will hopefully grow out of this by age 3.   We are going to try to reintroduce regular formula at 6 months, and see if she's already grown out of it.    She was also diagnosed with acid reflux.   She has been put on Nexium and a thickener for her formula.   We will see if it helps any!

Health:  Overall, she's healthy.   We just need to figure out a few things and then it will be much better.   She still has her belly button attached as well.  We haven't been able to give her a good soaking bath.

Eating:  She is eating roughly six 4 ounce bottles a day.  Sometimes she will eat 6 ounces at once. 

Things I want to remember:
**How much her big brother Cooper loves her.   He is always giving her kisses and tells her that "it's okay Tenley, you don't need to cry!  Mommy will be right back."
**She loves to be held all the time.  
**She prefers to sit up on your knee so she can see everything going on.  Heaven forbid that she misses anything!

Next appointment:  2 week check up to see how her acid reflux is going.  2 month check up!