Sunday, December 7, 2014

Suprise!! Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary!

This is now the 2nd surprise party we have thrown for my parents in less than 5 years.  We did one when they turned 50, and now for their 30th wedding anniversary.

Chelsea, Jenna and I rented the Willow Creek shelter house.   With the help of mom's best friend, Deb, we were able to pull it off.  We sent out invites to all their closest friends and family.   About 40 people showed up.  We decorated the night before and it looked absolutely perfect!

Deb and Roger picked Mom and Dad up at their house and told them they were going out to eat at Tweeters in Okoboji.  When they drove by Willow Creek, Roger turned in.  They knew something was up.   We surprised them for sure!   They were both tearing up.  (Dad much worse than Mom.  Hehe.)

Oh wait... There is one more surprise.  Pastor Barb is here to renew your vows.  It is something Mom has talked about for 5 years. 

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