Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tenley Monthly: 2

Age:  2 Months
Weight:  11lbs
Length:  23in

Milestones:  She started smiling more and cooing.   She's probably going to be a chatty kid, just like her brother.  Gosh, I wonder where they get that from.  :)

Sleep:  She hates sleeping in her crib.  She does pretty well in her RockNPlay though.

Best Moment:  Seeing Cooper want to be with her.  He already wants to play with her and doesn't realize that in a couple months, she'll be chasing him. 

Health:  She's a healthy, happy girl.  Now that we have her on the Nutramigen formula, it has done wonders.  The Nexium is also doing wonders for her acid reflux.

Things I want to remember:  Her smiles.   The moments where her eyes come into focus and she's able to actually see your face and starts to recognize you. 
**Her first playdate.  Mandy brought over Briggs and Bridget brought Connor.   Tenley was born on October 28, Briggs was 9 days later, and then Connor was another 6 days after that.  They are all going to be such great friends!
**Her first Christmas!  She couldn't open presents or anything this year, but next year she's really going to love it!


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