Sunday, September 28, 2014

September Happenings

We have been trying to keep busy with Cooper before the baby is born.  Right now, it's almost harvest time, so Daddy is working extra long hours trying to get everything ready. 

Before we know it, it will be October and it will be baby month! 

We got Cooper enrolled at dance at OCH Wellness with Jen.   He is the only boy, but loves the tumbling part of class.  He is slowly warming up to tap as well.  At least now he will have something for just him and mom or him and dad to go to. 

A couple weeks ago, I promised Cooper that we could go to the Apple Orchard where he could pick apples for himself.   Daddy had to work on Saturday because its harvest.  We went to Ocheda Orchard by Worthington and found the Honeycrisp trees.  We picked a big bag of apples and headed home.  They were delicious!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Interview With a Four-Year-Old

What is your favorite color?     Yellow

What is your favorite toy?      Magnetic Wipe Off Board

What is your favorite fruit?     Kiwi

What is your favorite TV show?      Scooby Doo

What is your favorite thing to eat?      Steak & Potatoes

What is your favorite outfit?      Monster Truck Shirt

What is your favorite game?      Building blocks

What is your favorite snack?      Raisins

What is your favorite animal?      Bunnies

What is your favorite song?      Super Heroes Song

What is your favorite book?     Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?

Who is your best friend?      Connor & Evan

What is your favorite cereal?      Apple Jacks

What is your favorite thing to do outside?      Play hide & seek

What is your favorite drink?      Apple Juice

What is your favorite holiday?      Halloween

What do you like to take to bed with you at night?      Blankie & Animal

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?     Muffins

What do you want for your dinner on your birthday?       Hotdog on a bun

What do you want to be when you grow up?     A Fireman

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cooper's 4th Birthday Party

Wow.  I guess the old saying is true...  "Time flies when you are having fun!"   Our (not so little) guy is four years old already.   He is 42 inches tall and weighs 42 pounds.  He looks like his mom yet, but is totally built like his dad.  We'll just have to see if he'll be 6'1" in eighth grade like his dad. 

We were fortunate enough to have a bunch of people come to his birthday party this year.  We had his party at 10am, so we had egg bake and donuts from the bakery.  

He got a lot of really nice gifts as well.  Thanks to everyone to who came!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Beer & Diaper Party

When you have another baby, I don't necessarily think its okay to have another shower.  But on the flip side, if you want to host your own party, go ahead!  :)
We love to host gatherings.  So what better way than to celebrate bringing a new baby into this world than with all your friends and family there to have a party?   We figured out the date and the theme and just ran with it.   The Beer and Diaper party was a complete success.  Thanks to Brad's mom Grace and her sister Diane for helping with the food!

Friday, September 5, 2014

32 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 32 weeks

Weight Gain: 25lbs

Stretch Marks: None

Belly Button: Started to pop out, so the belly ring had to come out around 30 weeks.

Wedding Rings On/Off: Still on!

Movement: I'm starting to feel like Bella Swan-Cullen over here from Twilight.  Baby is in my ribs and moving around like crazy.

Feeling:  Feeling pretty good, but ready to be done.  Just not prepared to be done. 

Cravings: Any kind of fruit, and small amounts of candy

Symptoms: None

Missing: Walking like a normal person.  Baby is sitting so low, that I'm already starting to waddle.

Looking forward to: Having a glass of wine, but who are we kidding, the whole bottle is really what I want. 

Sleep: Getting tougher.  No matter how cool the bedroom is, I'm starting to sweat every night.

Doctor Appointment: Everything went well.  Baby's head is down, which  is a good sign. 

What's Next: The next appointment is on September 18 for the 34 week checkup.  I will have a check up at 32, 34, 36 then every week on weeks 37, 38, 39 and 40.   It all depends on how long baby decides to stay in! 

32 Weeks