Friday, September 5, 2014

32 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 32 weeks

Weight Gain: 25lbs

Stretch Marks: None

Belly Button: Started to pop out, so the belly ring had to come out around 30 weeks.

Wedding Rings On/Off: Still on!

Movement: I'm starting to feel like Bella Swan-Cullen over here from Twilight.  Baby is in my ribs and moving around like crazy.

Feeling:  Feeling pretty good, but ready to be done.  Just not prepared to be done. 

Cravings: Any kind of fruit, and small amounts of candy

Symptoms: None

Missing: Walking like a normal person.  Baby is sitting so low, that I'm already starting to waddle.

Looking forward to: Having a glass of wine, but who are we kidding, the whole bottle is really what I want. 

Sleep: Getting tougher.  No matter how cool the bedroom is, I'm starting to sweat every night.

Doctor Appointment: Everything went well.  Baby's head is down, which  is a good sign. 

What's Next: The next appointment is on September 18 for the 34 week checkup.  I will have a check up at 32, 34, 36 then every week on weeks 37, 38, 39 and 40.   It all depends on how long baby decides to stay in! 

32 Weeks

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