Sunday, September 28, 2014

September Happenings

We have been trying to keep busy with Cooper before the baby is born.  Right now, it's almost harvest time, so Daddy is working extra long hours trying to get everything ready. 

Before we know it, it will be October and it will be baby month! 

We got Cooper enrolled at dance at OCH Wellness with Jen.   He is the only boy, but loves the tumbling part of class.  He is slowly warming up to tap as well.  At least now he will have something for just him and mom or him and dad to go to. 

A couple weeks ago, I promised Cooper that we could go to the Apple Orchard where he could pick apples for himself.   Daddy had to work on Saturday because its harvest.  We went to Ocheda Orchard by Worthington and found the Honeycrisp trees.  We picked a big bag of apples and headed home.  They were delicious!

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