Wednesday, April 27, 2011

$2 Walker

We are having a garage sale in a couple weeks.  Everyone was bringing their stuff in and Grandma Julie noticed a walker.  We had been looking for one in the stores, but every store wanted $50 or more for them.  This one was used and had a price of $2.  Grandma bought it on the spot.

It was the BEST PURCHASE EVER!  He abosultely loves it.  It only took him 1 day to figure out that he could now go where ever he wants.  He is so excited about it.  You almost have to hide it if you don't want him to be in it.  He also loves to have food on his tray.  We call it his "fuel". 

Check out the video & photos below.  You'll enjoy them!

He loves the central vac plug

Naked baby!

What a ham!


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