Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love the outdoors, even if it isn't 90 degrees!

Here are a couple pictures of our outdoor adventures.  Cooper absoultely loves being outside and feeling the breeze.  He went in a swing for the first time.  At first he wasn't so sure about it, but then he started to enjoy it. 

Cooper also got his first Camaro ride too!  It may have only been from the back garage to the front garage, but as you can tell from the picture, he was so happy to be in Grandpa's Camaro.  Daddy hopes the car is his someday. 

He had a bunch of firsts.  We went around the block in Uncle Michael's golf cart.  It it wasn't so cold, we would have gone further.  The joys of living in a small town!

ENJOY THE PHOTOS!!  Hopefully there will be more soon! 

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