Sunday, April 10, 2011


Cooper was finally baptized this weekend.  We were finally able to get our lives together and a date that worked for everyone.  We had a bunch of guests at Grandma Julie's house. 

Cooper's godparents are:
Chelsea Luedeman
Jenna Luedeman
Cody Mathues

Great Grandma & Grandpa Ebbinga came back from Arizona and came to see Cooper right away.  He's changed a lot since the last time they saw him.  It's been over 5 months since they seen him.  A lot changes in that short period of time. 

I should point out that he did GREAT during the service.  He fell asleep shortly after church started for his AM nap.  He slept until they poured the water on his head.  He then slowly woke up but didn't fuss at all.  Even being in front of a stranger (Pastor) and a full congregation.  What a great kid!

Here are some pictures from this important day in his life. 


No tears

Mom, Dad, Cooper & Sponsors

Family Photo

Yum.. That looks like good cake!

Cooper and his sponsors (What a cheeseball!)

I just love his face in this picture.  It's the WTF face!

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