Friday, October 3, 2014

36 Week Pregnancy Appointment

How far along: 36 weeks

Weight Gain: 32lbs

Stretch Marks: None. yet!

Belly Button: Popped out.  Cooper was asking why it is out.  I told him after the baby is born that it will go back in. 

Wedding Rings On/Off: Still on, but probably not for much longer.

Movement: Baby isn't getting the hiccups as often, but definitely loving my hip bones and my ribs.

Feeling:  Feeling pretty good, but ready to be done. 

Cravings: Salads with lots of Western dressing.  Also Oreos and milk.

Symptoms: Contractions have started on and off, but nothing too terrible.

Missing: Being able to get my shoes on without grunting and groaning. 

Looking forward to: Having my body back.  I would love to say "a full nights rest" but we all know that isn't going to be happening!

Sleep: Getting tougher and more miserable by the day.  No matter how cool the bedroom is, I sweat every night.  Thank goodness I like to wash our sheets more often than the average person.

Doctor Appointment:  Oh man...   Baby is still healthy, but here is what the doctor had to say.  Heart rate was at 140bpm.  This has stayed pretty steady the entire pregnancy.  Doctor Sebata was feeling my stomach and guessing the baby to be 7lbs already.  He asked how big Cooper was when he was born.  My response was 8lbs 3oz.  He thinks this baby will be bigger than Cooper when it's born. 
He wasn't able to feel where the head is, so we had to do a quick ultrasound.  Thank goodness, the head is still down.   I am also dilated to a 2.   This could mean that I could go in the next couple of days, or stay at a 2 for weeks yet. 

What's Next:  I'm now going for weekly appointments.  They won't do another pelvic exam until 38 weeks on October 16.  We are hoping for some progress, but not too much.   If I go a couple weeks early, I will have to go back to work before Christmas.   If I go close or over my due date, I will be able to stay home with the kids until after the 1st of the year.   We will see what happens as it's out of my hands now!  Stay tuned!

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