Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's A Girl!

The birth story of our beautiful daughter, Tenley Grace Fischer.

On Thursday, October 23, I thought I was contracting while at work.  My doctor's appointment was at 11:30am, but I called and got in around 9:30 to be checked out.   When the nurse took my temperature, it was at 102.5 degrees.   Dr. Sebata came into the room to check the baby's heart rate.  It was at 190bpm.  This was way too high for his comfort level.   I was sent over to the hospital to be monitored overnight.  Throughout the next day and night, I was checked on every hour.  Baby's heart rate went from 215bpm back down to 145-150bpm.  I was contracting every 1 1/2 to 3 minutes.  But I wasn't progressing at all.   I was treated with 3 rounds of antibiotics and over 5 bags of IV fluids.  I was finally released around 4pm on Friday afternoon.  

The rest of the weekend, we rested.   Dr. Sebata didn't want me to go into labor for at least 3 days so that I could get my body to fight off whatever virus I was carrying.  He wanted baby to be born as healthy as possible so he/she didn't have to be treated with antibiotics as well.  

Over the weekend, I grew increasingly uncomfortable.   I was already huge in size, plus baby was in my ribs.  I wasn't really sleeping and getting up every 3 hours to use to rest room the way it was.  On Monday morning, I was exhausted.  I didn't want to go to work, but ended up going in a few minutes late so I could save my sick time for maternity leave.  My doctor's appointment was set for Thursday, Oct 30, but I called to get in on Monday because I wasn't feeling well.  I couldn't tell if I was just exhausted or in labor.  My hope for going in early was that Dr. Sebata would induce me.  If I wasn't sleeping already, I might as well have a newborn at home too.   I went in and Dr. Sebata checked me.  He said I was at 4cm.  He stated that he could keep me and send me over to Labor and Delivery.   It was the answer I wanted.  But I just wasn't mentally ready yet.    

I asked if I could head home to get my stuff together and then come back after Cooper's parent teacher conferences.  He said that was fine.  Cooper's conferences were slated for 5:30pm.  I was definitely in labor, on my own, at 1pm.   I called the school and got his conferences pushed up to 2:30pm.  Brad and I sat with Cooper's teacher for about 20 minutes.  After that, we went home, cleaned up the house, both took showers, relaxed a bit and around 4:30pm, headed to Worthington. 

39 weeks 4 days
Once we got into our Labor & Delivery room, I was checked by a nurse and she stated that I was at a 2.   But when Sebata checked me, he said I was at a 4.   My contractions were about 5 minutes apart at this point.   I got my IV, was hooked up to the monitors and just relaxed.  Around 8pm, I got my epidural.  It wasn't working 100% on both sides right away so I was able to feel most of my contractions still on the right side.  It took some moving around and repositioning, but we finally got it to work correctly.  

When Sebata checked me around 11pm, my water broke.  He discovered that there was meconium in my waters.   He explained that everything could be okay as long as baby doesn't swallow it.   But if baby does, he/she will need  to have a tube placed down his/her throat to clean everything out.  They called the pediatrician that was on call, Dr. Makwinja.  She happens to be Dr. Sebata's wife.

Around 1:45am on October 28, 2014, I was finally at a 10 and was able to push.  After pushing with maybe 4 contractions, the baby's head was out.  The cord was wrapped around the neck one time.   With one more push, at 1:59am, I delivered our beautiful baby girl!   She weighed 8lbs 7oz and was 20.5" long.  I wish someone would have been in the delivery room with a video camera to catch our reaction when they said "Its a girl!"

About a half hour after she was born, I spiked a 101.4 degree fever again.   I was instantly put on antibiotics as was our baby girl.  It was heartbreaking to see an IV in her tiny hand.  The doctors wanted to make sure that she was safe, so they gave her antibiotics as well.

She didn't have a name right away.  It took Daddy and Mommy over 2 hours to name her.  I offered up Savannah, Daddy shot it down.  Daddy said Samantha, but I nixed that.  It was then between Tenley Grace or Alena Grace.   We decided that Tenley fit her so much more.   It was the girls name we had picked out for when we had Cooper too.  


Around noon, Grandpa Skinny and Grandma Julie brought big brother Cooper to meet Tenley.  He was so excited to meet his little sister. 



Our Family by the Numbers:
Day 1 – We started dating
Day 783 – Brad asked me to marry him
Day 1462 – We had each other, wedding day
Day 1913 – Big Brother Cooper was born
Day 3425 - Our family is complete with you in our lives

Our family is now complete.  Brad, Ashley, big brother Cooper John and little sister Tenley Grace.



Announcing Tenley Grace!

Tenley Grace

Tenley Grace

Born: October 28, 2014 01:59 AMWeight: 8 lbs. 7 oz. Length: 20.5 inches

Big brother Cooper is so excited for his baby sister.

Parents: Ashley and Brad Location: Sanford Worthington

Monday, October 27, 2014

October Fun

We were trying to do as much as possible before we have a newborn at home.   We had a bunch of stuff planned and enjoyed every minute we could. 

We headed to Fairfax to celebrate Baby Boy Loverude.  Cody and Kali had their baby shower.  We drove up for the day.   Daddy and Cooper spent some time on the farm while I went to the shower. 
Holy baby boom!

The Ashley's & Kali
Me - October 31, Kali - November 27, Ashley - January 1, Ashley - January 27

I got Cooper's school pictures back.  Isn't he so handsome!?   I wish he would smile like this for me at home!   Let's all say a little prayer that his school pictures always turn out this good!

Melanie and I brought Katrin and Cooper to Poppe's Pumpkin Patch in Lakefield for the afternoon.  This kids were able to play and we finally got a chance to talk.  Harvest was very busy for both of us.   I'm sad that this is Poppe's last year!

Mommy HATES carving pumpkins.  The thought of the mess makes me nauseous.  They also don't usually last very long if they are carved because we almost ALWAYS have a freeze.  We tried to pick out four pumpkins that represented our family.  A tall skinny one for daddy.  A short chubby one for mommy because of being pregnant.  A medium sized one for big brother Cooper and a baby one for baby!    

On Sunday, Cooper and I packed up the Yukon and headed to Lake Shetek to have lunch with Great Papa and Donna.   We figured that with the new baby, we wouldn't be able to go to Thanksmas, so we wanted to spend some one on one time with Great Papa.   Seeing Cooper play with the toys we used to play with brought back so many memories.  He also spent a couple hours on the beach, where we were raised! 


We like to have picnics at our house when we are lazy.  This is really the only way to get Cooper to eat sometimes. 
We were lucky because Chelsea and Jenna took Cooper trick or treating.  I was way too exhausted to do it.   Cooper was a "Cop officer like Big Wyatt" this year. 


Saturday, October 18, 2014

38 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 38 weeks

Weight Gain: 34lbs

Stretch Marks: None.

Belly Button: Popped out. 

Wedding Rings On/Off: Off. 

Movement: The kicks are getting less frequent, but rolling around for sure.  If people want to make baby move, we can't poke or push.   I have to scratch or rub my stomach.   Baby is going to love his/her back scratched just like big brother Cooper.

Feeling:  Feeling pretty good, but ready to be done. My feet and hands are starting to swell its pretty uncomfortable.

Cravings: Lately, fast food because of the convenience.

Symptoms: Contractions have started on and off, but nothing too terrible.

Missing: Being able to roll from side to side in bed without Brad asking "are you okay?"

Looking forward to: Holding that sweet little baby in my arms.   Will I be saying "the boys" or "the kids"?

Sleep: Getting tougher and more miserable by the day. 

Doctor Appointment:  I am still dilated to a 2.   He also gave me the okay to drive to Rochester on Tuesday, so that really isn't the greatest sign that he thinks I'll be going soon.   He does think that is going to be a big baby. Bigger than Cooper. 

What's Next:    I go back next Thursday, unless baby decides to come by then.   We will see!  I'm hoping that I don't have to do a 40 week update.  :)  Stay tuned!

38 weeks

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Baby Bump

10 weeks

12 weeks

14 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks
24 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks

28 weeks

30 weeks
32 weeks
33 weeks
35 weeks

36 weeks
38 weeks