Saturday, October 18, 2014

38 Week Pregnancy Update

How far along: 38 weeks

Weight Gain: 34lbs

Stretch Marks: None.

Belly Button: Popped out. 

Wedding Rings On/Off: Off. 

Movement: The kicks are getting less frequent, but rolling around for sure.  If people want to make baby move, we can't poke or push.   I have to scratch or rub my stomach.   Baby is going to love his/her back scratched just like big brother Cooper.

Feeling:  Feeling pretty good, but ready to be done. My feet and hands are starting to swell its pretty uncomfortable.

Cravings: Lately, fast food because of the convenience.

Symptoms: Contractions have started on and off, but nothing too terrible.

Missing: Being able to roll from side to side in bed without Brad asking "are you okay?"

Looking forward to: Holding that sweet little baby in my arms.   Will I be saying "the boys" or "the kids"?

Sleep: Getting tougher and more miserable by the day. 

Doctor Appointment:  I am still dilated to a 2.   He also gave me the okay to drive to Rochester on Tuesday, so that really isn't the greatest sign that he thinks I'll be going soon.   He does think that is going to be a big baby. Bigger than Cooper. 

What's Next:    I go back next Thursday, unless baby decides to come by then.   We will see!  I'm hoping that I don't have to do a 40 week update.  :)  Stay tuned!

38 weeks

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