Monday, October 27, 2014

October Fun

We were trying to do as much as possible before we have a newborn at home.   We had a bunch of stuff planned and enjoyed every minute we could. 

We headed to Fairfax to celebrate Baby Boy Loverude.  Cody and Kali had their baby shower.  We drove up for the day.   Daddy and Cooper spent some time on the farm while I went to the shower. 
Holy baby boom!

The Ashley's & Kali
Me - October 31, Kali - November 27, Ashley - January 1, Ashley - January 27

I got Cooper's school pictures back.  Isn't he so handsome!?   I wish he would smile like this for me at home!   Let's all say a little prayer that his school pictures always turn out this good!

Melanie and I brought Katrin and Cooper to Poppe's Pumpkin Patch in Lakefield for the afternoon.  This kids were able to play and we finally got a chance to talk.  Harvest was very busy for both of us.   I'm sad that this is Poppe's last year!

Mommy HATES carving pumpkins.  The thought of the mess makes me nauseous.  They also don't usually last very long if they are carved because we almost ALWAYS have a freeze.  We tried to pick out four pumpkins that represented our family.  A tall skinny one for daddy.  A short chubby one for mommy because of being pregnant.  A medium sized one for big brother Cooper and a baby one for baby!    

On Sunday, Cooper and I packed up the Yukon and headed to Lake Shetek to have lunch with Great Papa and Donna.   We figured that with the new baby, we wouldn't be able to go to Thanksmas, so we wanted to spend some one on one time with Great Papa.   Seeing Cooper play with the toys we used to play with brought back so many memories.  He also spent a couple hours on the beach, where we were raised! 


We like to have picnics at our house when we are lazy.  This is really the only way to get Cooper to eat sometimes. 
We were lucky because Chelsea and Jenna took Cooper trick or treating.  I was way too exhausted to do it.   Cooper was a "Cop officer like Big Wyatt" this year. 


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